Make a Spaceship Game Asteroids in MIT App Inventor | AppyBuilder Thunka...

For this tutorial I use AppyBuilder GOLD, but it can be followed with Thunkable or MIT App Inventor 2
:rocket: Hello friends, in this MIT App Inventor tutorial I will make AGAIN a “how to make a simple spaceship game tutorial” ,
In the video you will… learn? see? how to:
:rocket: Add,scale and move “asteroids” using “FOR ANY SPRITE” and "for each " Blocks
:rocket: destroy and regenarate asteroid sprites
:rocket: Use a procedure to Scale and Center a Sprite in the middle of the canvas, no matter the device screen size.
:rocket: Rotate a Sprite in APP Inventor using heading property and the canvas onDragging Event (use one finger rotates the ship and fires)

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